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Killer Flank Steak with Garlic Parmesan Potatoes

Hello fellow foodies!  I have been waiting to get this one onto the blog because, well.... IT WAS AMAZING!  Last weekend I went to Sams club and I picked up a few things that I normally wouldn't buy.. Like FLANK STEAK.  I knew I wanted to marinate it for a few hours then grill it - so thats exactly what I did.  Made a super simple marinade with stuff I had at the house and let them babies bathe in it for about 3 hours.  The potatoes are amazing, and amazingly easy to whip up.  Fresh parsley ( use dried if you don't have fresh )  Butter ( always unsalted - so you can control how much your putting in )  Parmesan cheese  and as far as the potatoes go.. Generally I find myself always getting red potatoes, BUT I used Yukon golds this time. ER MER GERD. YES.  You could also use any other less starchy potato like the Finglerling, red, Or the cutesy little baby potatoes you see at ...

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